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Consulting Services

Consulting Services

Paul Siegel Computer Enterprises, Inc.

Paul Siegel Computer Enterprises, Inc. is a full-service systemsdevelopment and consulting firm. Formed in 1978, the company nowcomprises over thirty-five people providing various professional servicesand turnkey software products for clients in virtually every industry.This group has a track record of successfully finished projects. Manyrecent projects reflect the shift to client-server systems, making use ofan extensive background in communications and networked environments.PSCEI works at a fixed price where appropriate, or at an hourly rate plusexpenses. In the current tight economic climate, many clients appreciatethe value of the fixed-price quote. PSCEI can take on an entire project,or parts of a much larger application. In addition to the design anddevelopment of software solutions, PSCEI also provides consulting onproject management, systems development, systems integration, andperformance analysis.Contracting for computing services is cost-efficient. Experienced peopleare available when needed, and for the particular project or requisitetime frame. Clients pay for specialized skills only when they need them,at a lower cost per effective hour. The client's needs are filled from areserve of sophisticated programmers, engineers, and project managers whowill work at a fixed price where appropriate, or at an hourly rate plusexpenses if the client prefers. Paul Siegel Computer Enterprises hasbeen offering fixed price contracts for over fifteen years, accumulatinga fund of experience in estimating costs, allocating resources, andscheduling manpower. The staff at PSCEI knows how to keep their projectson schedule and within budget. Customers get quality and pricecertainty; PSCEI gets satisfied clients and additional business.PSCEI offers a full range of services from the planning to theimplementation stages of systems development, and has subgroups withconsiderable expertise in areas such as communications, realtime systems,client-server applications, fault-tolerance, DBMS, performance modelingand detailed systems measurement, and structured testing. The companyhas C programmers with experience in the development of commercialapplications under UNIX, and UNIX wizards with a knowledge of UNIXinternals. PSCEI can bring technical and/or managerial strength to asoftware project, from the specification phase to the implementationstage. The company's project successes are based not only on its depthof technical expertise, but also on its strength in software projectplanning and project management. PSCEI has some of the best brains in thebusiness; many staff members are award winners, have published in theirarea of expertise, and are highly regarded by their peers.PSCEI designs and implements applications under all Sun systems, and canintegrate such applications with other equipment and systems ifnecessary. Heterogeneous computer environments are a fact of life, andPSCEI is a versatile group with expertise on a wide range of platforms.When a project is over, the PSCEI staff leaves, but is available toprovide further support should the client require it. All fixed priceprojects are covered by a six month Limited Warranty.PSCEI works for clients throughout the continental U.S., and also assubcontractors to much larger software consulting firms. Clients cansave a lot of time, effort and money if they let Paul Siegel ComputerEnterprises help plan and implement their next project.

Language: C, C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1

Paul Siegel Computer Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 8
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
Phone: (516) 473-7500
Fax: (215) 349-4062